Swim Course
This traditional sprint triathlon event starts out with a 1,350 yard swim - which is unusual for a sprint distance triathlon. The reason the swim is longer than the normal sprint distance swim is because the swim is a point-to-point swim that always takes place with an incoming tide. In fact, check out the swim times from previous years - the swim actually seems more like 750 - 1,000 yards depending on how fast the current is moving. The swim takes place in a channel system between Wrightsville Beach and Wilmington, NC. It is important to note that while this swim takes place in salt water - this is not an ocean swim.
Transportation to Swim Start
Athletes will walk to the swim start location at the Blockade Runner Resort. You can also get dropped off.. The start is about 3/4 mile from the transition area.
A decision on wetsuits is made on race day as the water temperature at this time of year along the southeastern North Carolina coast is always around 78 degrees. We will post a water temperature on our website the Thursday night of race week.